Monday, May 08, 2006

Patiently Pursuing....

At times I feel that I have so much that I want to say but I hold back for whatever reason. I have never really been the person that keeps things in but for a good five or six months now I have learned to keep my mouth shut and let time run its course. Yet still at the same time there is so much that I want to say and do but choose to lay low, to pursue the different goals that I have set for myself right now. So we'll see I guess. Like you said a long while ago, out of sight but not out of mind... In time they say that people change and so do thoughts and emotions but for once I seem to have a developed a fond consistency of thoughts and what not which is kind of neat... We all live our lives with anticipation of what the future holds but in many aspects, the future is now, its constantly creeping up on us. And not that I'm anxious for the future, but rather I find myself confident and content with what the future holds for me... Like I said, the future is upon us and its time to make our futuristic goals a reality within our own lives. With that said, for some reason I find myself hesistant, afraid to make some of my dreams come to life right now. The past and failure way heavy on my thoughts when it comes to this. Not that I'm driven by the fear of failure but I guess I'm just a bit more contemplative and thoughtful on the subject. Afraid to make a good thing go bad... But such is life right now, full of life changing choices that could impact my life and others for the rest of our time here on earth. I just hope the choices make positive impacts instead of negative impacts. I'm tired of the negative, I want to make positive, life changing choices.... Hopefully timing will be on myside this time and not an enemy like previously. Bumps in the road will appear in this journey but I will not be shaken....So I'll continue to passinonately pursue the dreams of my heart that will hopefully direct me in my path of life. Hopefully one day passions will be combined and the road will grow wider to make room that special person and new dreams will be created to be chased after together.... but until then...

1 comment:

Ms. McGowan said...

I must say-- a comment from James was enough to make my day. I'm glad that you stumbled across my blog. I hope you're doing well, my dear long lost friend.